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Get unstuck and create a sustainable career in coaching

You know how to periodize your athlete's programming, but do you know how to periodize your career?

This course is different.

We all got into this field because we love helping people. But at some point, we have to learn how to help ourselves.

It’s not selfish to focus on your career and personal health. It’s responsible. We as coaches must start to invest in resources outside of training and sports science to learn how to create sustainability in this industry for the long-term.

Valued is a no-fluff course with high quality content from industry leaders to help you create the best coaching career possible.

This course is very easy to navigate and no matter how you learn, we’ve got you covered with videos, PDFs, audio files, and lifetime access for reference whenever you need it.

The Typical Story of a Strength Coach

We all got into this because we love the profession.

It’s the best job in the world – we get to help other people, work in the weight room or on the field, and surround ourselves with others who are driven and love to learn.

It’s our passion for S&C that fuels us through our first few unpaid internships and graduate assistantships...

And we’re OK with “paying our dues” because, after all, we’re in this field for the right reason: a relentless desire to serve.

We trust that as long as we keep doing our best, the rest will take care of itself…

And we hope that if we keep grinding and striving to improve, we’ll ultimately be able to also support our families and make a difference for hundreds or maybe even thousands of athletes.

But if not managed correctly, the same energy and excitement that propelled us into the profession can eventually turn to exhaustion, frustration and self-doubt.

We begin to understand the reality that being a strength coach is far more than “sets and reps,” as we begin to see the politics, power dynamics and financial realities of a career that is not widely understood and is often undervalued.

So, what’s going wrong in S&C?

If you’ve been in the field for more than a few years and have put skin in the game, then you know what coaches are up against:

  • Financial Instability/Debt: Many coaches are still paying off loans accrued from college, unpaid internships, and the attainment of numerous certifications. They have little to nothing saved for retirement and struggle to support themselves or their family.
  • Job Insecurity: Jobs are scarce, contracts are short, and coaches are often seen as replaceable or expendable.
  • Gender Gap Issues: Female coaches are misrepresented in the field and generally experience amplified struggles of their male counterparts.
  • Feeling Stuck and Undervalued: Coaches from every sector feel as if they have to answer to people who don’t truly understand or value what they do. We are often the last ones hired, but the first ones fired when things turn bad.
  • Exhaustion: Coaches are blue-collar by nature. But over the past 10 years, we have seen an extreme glorification of the grind as jobs get more competitive. We face a stigma of guilt or not being a “true coach” if you don’t have a desire to work 12+ hour days for the rest of your life.

And what makes it worse is that we want to be seen as humble and helpful – and this excessive humility prevents us from raising our concerns.

As the days and years pass, even the most committed coaches start to have doubts that they will ever make it to the coaching job of their dreams.

Or even worse, an awful lot of coaches are secretly wondering how long they can afford to keep going, and whether they will ever be able to support their families well without leaving S&C altogether…

Is this what your day looks like?

As usual, you’re up before the sun after just a few hours of rest (another late night of working).

You arrive at the weight room bright and early, ready to set up for the day’s training session, and get coaching.

You flip on the lights and music and start walking through the logistics of the groups you have to manage, as well as the administrative tasks you have to take care of in between.

You have a lot on your mind and a full day ahead of you…

But you are used to working with your back against the wall and pride yourself on being a dependable workhorse who is highly adaptable, but every now and then you wish your organization had hired the additional part-time coach you desperately need but wasn’t in the budget because of that $45,000 high-tech expense.

As you finish setting up, and get ready for your first group to filter into the weight room, you hear a door open and close at the other end of the facility.

It’s the sport coach, who walks in, greets you… and with a saccharin sincerity, announces that “necessary” last-minute changes have taken place and the weight room work needs to be cut or shortened. “Thanks for understanding and being a team player!” he says as he walks out.

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Coaches are highly adaptable (the shirt says it all)

Just then you realize the program you spent hours on needs to be scrapped...again.

In that moment, you realize this seems to be a trend that shows no sign of stopping.

In spite of all of your expertise and effort, your superiors incessantly ask you to take the short end of the stick – and not just in regards to being “flexible” with your programs... but also your salary, your vacation time, your benefits, and your contract.

In spite of our expertise and effort...
we often aren't valued by superiors

Despite all of this, they assure you that you are valued, and you find temporary relief in knowing that this seems to happen to nearly everyone else in the profession as well.

After all, you know they could quickly replace you with a coach who would happily take the job (and likely for less money), or even an assistant with an intern who would just be happy to receive some free gear and meals.

That night, as you try to decompress before heading to bed, you think about all of the training you have done to get to this level.

All of the journal articles read, conferences attended, holidays skipped, time away from family spent, and the nights you invested in creating the detailed programs that get tossed before you even had a chance to implement them.

Just as quickly as these thoughts enter your head, you try to push them out and scold yourself for whining, being ungrateful and focusing on your own needs instead of those of the organization or the athletes involved.

After all, you’ve been told countless times by your mentors and others in the field that your needs come second, and if you stay the course and have faith, good things will happen.

You take stock in this memory, sigh, and let the negative thoughts pass for now, along with your worries about digging out of debt, and supporting the family you hope to have someday...

If this story sounds at all familiar,
trust me…

You are not alone.

The landscape in S&C has changed, and the standard career advice we’ve always followed no longer works.

The number of S&C coaches greatly exceeds the number of jobs available, and the few jobs that do become available open and close faster than even some of the most talented athletes are able to sprint!

It’s no longer enough to earn our degrees and certifications, go through internships, and send out resumes.

The truth is that coaches are burning out from the cycle of being overworked, undervalued, and underpaid. Taken together, these factors have slowly eroded the prospect of a sustainable career path.

If that isn’t bad enough, what we do is often mocked or imitated by the media, and the public often thinks that strength coaches are little more than “get-back” coaches or glorified boot camp instructors.

And we have no support from unions, governing bodies, pay standards, or safety nets.  It is clear that nobody is coming to save us.

So the question is...

How are we going to create a better future?

As individual coaches, we need to approach our professional lives “with the end in mind.”

Of course, this is the kind of advice we constantly give to our athletes…

We spend hours programming their strength and conditioning regimen, and work with a future-based approach – periodizing their workouts to try our best to help them reach optimal performance when it matters most, and helping them navigate life obstacles in between.

But let me ask you: how many hours each week do you spend assessing your own coaching career, to identify strengths and weaknesses?

What asymmetries have you found in the way you tend to make decisions in your personal and professional life, and what has it cost you?

How much time do you invest into setting career goals and planning the steps you’ll take to get there?

And then how much time do you spend on executing those plans, to build strength and endurance in the weakest areas of your professional skill set, so you can take your career to the next level when the opportunity presents itself?

If you answered, “not much,” you’re not alone.

As coaches we take pride in sacrificing ourselves in the name of serving others.

And this is partly why we’re in a tough spot.

What’s more, this intentional self-neglect leaves us “pouring from an empty cup” so that, contrary to what we’ve been told, we can’t coach our athletes with maximum impact or effectiveness.

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As coaches, we're often left "pouring from an empty cup"

You can’t leave a lasting legacy if
you don’t last.

As coaches, we want to leave a legacy – we want to feel the satisfaction of knowing our work enabled hundreds or thousands of athletes to reach their potential.

But in order to achieve this legacy, you must take action to build a sustainable career in S&C, so you can give your best to your athletes over the long term.

You’ll need to build a sustainable career path, which I call “career viability,” but before you can do that, you’ll have to get real about a few things…

Four Foundational Facts About S&C

We all know how to consider internal and external load when working with our athletes…

But we often don’t consider the different kinds of load we carry in regard to our careers.

In fact, we sometimes turn a blind eye to some of the most critical obstacles we’re up against.

So before we can take a stand for S&C and build a sustainable career, you must understand these four facts:

#1 Nobody’s reading your resume.

You know how frustrating it can be when you send in your application and resume for a position, only to hear nothing back. The fact is, there are so many applications received, often nobody has time to read them. You can give yourself a huge advantage by understanding the behind-the-scenes factors that go into hiring, perception, and building up the social capital needed for your next transition.


#2 Money DOES matter.

How many times have you told yourself that you’re not in this profession for the money? Though the sentiment is true, there’s another side to the coin: you have to support your family over the long term, and you need money in order to pay the bills. Banks aren’t going to give us a break based on our good intentions. A reliable income enables you to stop worrying about finances and focus on coaching effectively.


#3 Burnout is real.

Do you ever feel yourself slipping into cynicism and exhaustion, but you don’t want to admit it even to yourself? Has your own training or physical health fallen off, or have you accrued injuries because you’ve fallen into a rut where it no longer seems as enjoyable as it once was? Burnout is taking a huge toll on S&C coaches, and it’s hitting the best and most committed among us. We’re in elite company, with doctors, firefighters, Navy SEALs, and other high-performing professionals who thrive under intense pressure. Experiencing signs of burnout is not a weakness, it’s a warning. Thankfully, a tremendous body of research is available to give us evidence-based strategies to overcome burnout and regain momentum. 

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#4 We’re pouring from an empty cup.

Why does an airline tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first before trying to help those around you? Of course it is because of the fact that if you pass out, you’ll be no good for helping anyone else around you. Your good intentions render you a liability in this case, not an asset. The same principle applies in your S&C career: you need to invest in your own financial, emotional, and physical health before you serve others. Only then can you scale your impact to give athletes your best, benefit your organization, and extend your sphere of influence.

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What career viability looks like.

S&C coaches serve in a wide variety of sectors ranging from high schools, collegiate athletics, private sector facilities, professional sports organizations and elite military programs. Because of this, the specifics of each coach’s “dream career” will be different.

However, there are common aspects of career viability that apply to all of us, regardless of which sector we coach in.

With the resource I’m about to show you, you will be able to:

  • Become more respected and valued in your current position– Make yourself irreplaceable to those you serve by strategic involvement that goes beyond the weight room and practically guarantees you’ll have advocates in the budget meeting.
  • Prepare with confidence for job transitions– In an industry with high turnover, you will have the awareness, accountability, and adaptability to roll with the punches whenever it’s time for a new opportunity.
  • Optimize your personal “safety net”– Negotiate the best possible conditions for yourself in your job, identify untapped revenue opportunities, and generate social capital to build a strong professional network.
  • Create “option value” for yourself– Stop feeling like you have to accept the first job offer you get (and be free to reject offers that aren’t a good fit for your career path). Feel confident “betting on yourself!”
  • Provide a more secure future for your family– Give your family the solid financial footing they need to feel safe and sustained over the long term, so you can enjoy eating out or going on vacation without feeling stressed about paying the bills.

Now, if you feel as if this description is completely impossible, you’re not alone…

After spending so much time in the trenches of your S&C career, a future like this might seem too distant to be believable.

Even if a viable career seems out of reach right now, let me assure you: it is possible to get there.

My name is Brett Bartholomew and I want to help you build a better career.

I’ve worked with athletes across 23 different sports ranging from Olympic-level to college and youth teams.

My athletes include Super Bowl and World Series champions and professional UFC fighters. I’ve also had the honor of coaching members of the U.S. Special Forces.

And I have also failed a lot!

Doing so has provided me with invaluable lessons along the way that I now try to share with coaches from all walks of life so that they can have a mentor or guiding resource that I never had.

Since releasing my best-selling book Conscious Coaching, I’ve crossed the globe teaching hundreds of coaches how to increase buy-in, improve physical performance and better understand human behavior; including the self-defeating ones that we all struggle with at times.

And my first online course, Bought In, has helped hundreds of S&C coaches all around the world.

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After the success of this course, coaches kept on reaching out to me because they were feeling stuck in their careers and unsure about how to approach job transitions.

And some were feeling so burned out they weren’t sure they could continue in the field any longer.

What I told them is exactly what I’ve begun to tell you here:

The landscape in S&C is changing, and the “old way” is broken.

And unfortunately, no other resource out there is talking about these things in a clear and straightforward way.

I realized that in order to take a stand for the profession, I needed to help coaches like you create career viability for the benefit of all you serve.

And that’s why in 2019, I brought in a camera crew and hosted an intimate two-day event in Atlanta, attended by 15 coaches from all over the world.

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These coaches ranged from those in the team setting (pro-sport and collegiate) to those in the private sector and beyond.

At the event, I presented them with a program, two years in the making, designed to help them with practical strategies to make the career they love more viable.

And I wasn’t alone in doing this. Five other coaches from every setting were represented in this coalition for coaches, all of whom shared struggles and strategies from their own journeys as well.

This event became the basis for an online course, which many coaches have now used to bring greater success and sustainability into their professional lives.

And now, I’m excited to be re-opening the doors to share this special program with you.


The only course of its kind for coaches who want to land the job they’ve always wanted, provide their families with stability, and stand out within their organizations for all the right reasons.

Backed by over 150 studies and decades of real-life experience, Valued will help you understand the current landscape, assess your own professional situation, and take the steps necessary to give your coaching career its most important trait: viability.

Over the span of 8 in-depth modules, you will get practical strategies for every aspect of your career in S&C — including job hunting, overcoming and preventing professional burnout, building unique skill sets that will give you an edge, dealing with financial struggles, managing contract negotiations, marketing yourself for a competitive advantage in a crowded marketplace, and becoming a valuable asset to your organization and network.

The 3E Value Progression

As I developed this program, I drew on my experience in the S&C field and in business, as well as sifting through a tremendous body of research in topics as wide-ranging as psychology, business, sociology, entrepreneurship, finance and more... 

I’ve selected the most relevant key points from each of these disciplines and combined them with S&C-specific research and fundamentals, and present them in a logical progression to help you reach sustainability in your coaching career. 

The 3E Value Progression ensures that, no matter where you are professionally, you’ll be able to start with a solid baseline and then move through the progression to solidify your current strengths, assess areas for improvement, and ultimately move yourself forward toward your professional goals.

In Valued, I walk you through this progression step-by-step, with each section building on the previous:

Execute - This section gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the factors that go into hiring, and helps you take inventory of the skills you possess that make you unique and relevant.

Expand - This portion of the progression shows you how to keep the job, become highly valued in your current position, and identify associated (and divergent) interests and skills which may contribute to your continued growth.

Evolve - The final stop in the 3E progression takes you beyond your current position into creating more options, value, and breathing room for yourself. You’ll take an authentic look at where your expanded value set is most needed and appreciated, and learn how to identify and generate professional opportunities.

Here’s what you’ll learn inside Valued.

Over the course of 12+ hours of content, Valued guides you step-by-step on your journey toward career viability.

Your course of study is divided into eight modules, each packed with research-backed, actionable material:


Introduction: How We as Coaches Need to Move Forward

  • Why trying to prove your value is the wrong approach
  • Why career viability is the most important trait of a coach
  • How to manage change using the three-step model
  • Understanding the five reasons behind resistance to change


  • Causes and symptoms of burnout, and why elite performers get hit
  • How coach burnout impacts our athletes and careers
  • How to overcome burnout using my FIRE model
  • Why the Sunk Cost Fallacy holds us back
  • How to change your relationship with guilt by recognizing the three types of commitment
  • A practical way to manage information overload
  • Leveraging the two types of social capital to build connections

Stress and Load

  • Internal and external load in the context of your career
  • Why burnout is an individual experience
  • How to assess (and manage) your own sources of internal load

Weigh Up Your Values

  • Why getting the job requires more than just credentials
  • The four key characteristics of employability
  • The diverse skills you must develop for upward mobility
  • How to rank factors of interest to match jobs with your values

More Than A Resume

  • How to make your resume all about them, not just about you
  • Why perception is critical, and how to guide how others see you
  • Why we must adapt to reality and build our own brands
  • How impression management can sway decision-making about us


  • Why personal branding is a vital communication tactic
  • The difference between self-construction and self-deception
  • How to assess your self-awareness and become more adaptive
  • Why branding is key for communicating values and problem-solving

Execute, Expand, and Evolve

  • Why you should act with purpose and not be blinded by passion
  • How to negotiate effectively and with the right mindset
  • Why negotiation is an act of discovery, not a battle
  • Validating others, and planning for life contingencies

Securing Your Future

  • Increasing your value with results and resourcefulness
  • Why financial advice is essential for a stable future (and where to seek it)
  • Why you should start thinking of yourself as an entrepreneur

And what’s more, when you join Valued, you will also get access to these bonuses:

Bonus Video: Presentation by Ron McKeefery

Internationally recognized as a leader in the area of sports development, Ron is the Vice President of Performance and Education for PLAE, and has twice been named Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year.

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Ron McKeefery spoke at the Atlanta event

Bonus Video: Presentation by Ron McKeefery

Internationally recognized as a leader in the area of sports development, Ron is the Vice President of Performance and Education for PLAE, and has twice been named Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year.

This presentation from Ron McKeefery will give you incredible insight from someone who has built success in areas as diverse as collegiate sports, military Special Forces, professional athletics, and a private sector facility.

In Ron’s presentation, you will benefit from his advice across a broad range of topics, including:

  • A success equation derived from a lifetime of being “obsessed with success”
  • The importance of knowing your philosophy and taking what you like from others
  • Why you must learn to efficiently manage time, people, and resources
  • Time management, and how to combine a family life with your career
  • How to financially prepare for times of transition
  • Why you are a personal brand and must become an effective communicator
  • And much more...

Bonus Video: Interview with Donnell Boucher

Assistant Athletic Director and Head Strength Coach at The Citadel Military College in South Carolina

As you seek to create your edge and maximize your impact, it is tremendously helpful to see an exemplar of the principles discussed in the course. This interview gives you an inside look into the specific ways someone who is seriously accomplished (and integral to his organization) operates, and you will learn how Donnell is creating value within the context of his role at The Citadel Military College.

In this interview, Donnell and I discuss:

  • Getting administrators to understand the wider value of what a Strength Coach is
  • How our profession can earn respect
  • Bringing departments together and becoming an organizational linchpin
  • How to become indispensable
  • Evolving and redefining the role of a Strength Coach
  • How to shape the perception of decision makers on campus

Bonus Video: Interview with Donnell Boucher

Assistant Athletic Director and Head Strength Coach at The Citadel Military College in South Carolina

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Donnell Boucher shares the strategies he employs at The Citadel Military College

Bonus Q&A: Financial Planning

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My dad, Kent, took live questions from the coaches at the Atlanta event

Bonus Q&A: Financial Planning

When you’re building a more sustainable career path, having guidance to wisely plan your financial future makes a HUGE difference. That’s why I invited my dad, Kent Bartholomew, to share the wisdom he has accumulated in his over 40-year career as a licensed financial advisor.

You’ll get to hear the entire live Q&A session with questions from your fellow coaches in all sectors of S&C, and glean real-world tips and tactics to safeguard your financial future. In this Q&A and accompanying written material, we cover topics such as:

  • Basic financial terms, to help you see through the jargon
  • Fundamentals of financial management
  • How to deal with debt, and how to best use credit
  • Tips and advice on how to invest your money to prepare for your future

Bonus Q&A: Coach Andrea Hudy

Coach Andrea Hudy is a nationally acclaimed sports performance coach for the NCAA Champion Kansas Jayhawks. Andrea is one of the premier, pioneering female strength coaches in the world, as well as (I would put) one of the best entrepreneurial minds in collegiate S&C.

This video answers questions covering personal branding, diversification of a professional portfolio (consulting/speaking, personal training, creating an LLC, writing a book, online content and more), as well as touching on her management of interdepartmental projects.

Bonus Q&A: Coach Andrea Hudy

One of the premier, pioneering female strength coaches in the world

Bonus PDF: 10 Lessons from 20 Years in the Trenches by Andy McCloy

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“10 Lessons from 20 Years in the Trenches”

Bonus PDF: 10 Lessons from 20 Years in the Trenches by Andy McCloy

Andy is a good friend (you’ll see him in some of the discussion in the audience of the main videos), and someone who’s been incredibly successful in the private sector.

In this manual, he recounts 20 years of experience and lays out lessons for success in S&C from them.



As coaches, we spend hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars each year on continuing education.

Many S&C courses and clinics fall into the category of a cost: they might be interesting, but you won’t get any return on your money…

(Because let’s be honest: nobody’s career becomes more sustainable after yet another training on proper squatting technique or plyometrics.)

On the other hand, Valued is designed to be an investment.

This course offers unprecedented training on how to create option value within your own professional career, and taking action with course concepts will bring a return that will ripple throughout the rest of your professional life.

Because this is not just an S&C course but a business course, I could fairly charge well over a thousand dollars for it (it cost me nearly 8 times as much learning the lessons that went into it first-hand).

But I want this course to stand in the gap for our profession and mark the beginning of a new wave of S&C coaches defining the profession.

And I want to make it available to as many people as possible.

So if you’re serious about creating a viable, sustainable career path in S&C, I’m honored to offer you complete, lifetime access to Valued, including:

  • 8 modules packed with research-backed, actionable content, accompanied by exercises designed to help you put course principles into practice
  • Bonus #1: Presentation by Ron McKeefery, VP of Performance and Education for PLAE
  • Bonus #2: Interview with Donnell Boucher, Assistant Athletic Director and Head Strength Coach at The Citadel Military College
  • Bonus #3: Financial Planning Q&A with Kent Bartholomew, Licensed Financial Planner
  • Bonus #4: Q&A video with Coach Andrea Hudy
  • Bonus #5: 10 Lessons from 20 Years in the Trenches by Andy McCloy

That’s more than 12 hours of content with actionable tools and strategies you can use to change the course of your career – a huge value, all for just...

6 Monthly Payments Of $97 $67


One Time Payment $497 $347

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And to give you added confidence, you’ll be backed by...

My 14-day Money Back Guarantee:

I want to give you the opportunity to try Valued for yourself.

That’s why I’m giving you an entire two weeks to go through the course, do the exercises, and begin to implement the training in the context of your work.

If you don’t absolutely love the content, simply email my team within 14 days and we’ll refund your entire purchase, no questions asked.


What Attendees Say About the Course


“Having been 1 of the 15 coaches there that weekend, I’m telling you. You absolutely will want to invest in this course/resource. This was an outstanding experience. Content, research, action steps, a game plan and so much more! An amazing and powerful coaching educational experience… and I feel like those words don’t do it justice.” - Miguel Wickert

“First thought is: every strength and conditioning coach out there needs to hear this. This is a movement that has to take place with everybody, so everybody needs to take a stand. And then the second thought I had is not only is this good for our industry, but women in the workplace. This whole thing is about perception and the value that we place on ourselves. This will definitely help me handle my career, my approach to my team, my approach to my clients, everybody I work with. I think it really just provides that clarity.” - Megan Morse


“A phrase that comes up throughout this course is that there’s no one coming to save us. But this course is that help. This was one of the most meaningful professional experiences I’ve had. I immediately put this into practice in areas that were severely lacking. Looking forward to a much clearer path to the future of my career and others. Thanks for all of the hard work you put into this.” - Eric Savoie

“This [course] definitely opened my eyes to ways that I can expand my own role and reach more people, be a more effective coach, and just be a more effective professional.” - Shayne Olson


This is the secret to changing your career and put you on another level. Outstanding information, I highly recommend this course. Unbelievable.” - Carlos Felix

“Get the course! I was lucky to attend and look forward to getting myself and my staff involved more as well.” - Andy McCloy

Andy McCloy

Still Have Questions?

Here are some answers to some of the most common inquiries about Valued:

I want to do this, but my schedule is already super busy. How many hours will I need each week to see results?

Valued is a self-paced program, so you can put in as many or as few hours as your schedule allows.

If you can invest an hour or so per week into watching the video material, and working through associated exercises, you’ll be taking real, concrete steps toward building your professional skill set and creating sustainability in your career.

But as you’ll find, Valued is designed for active implementation and sustainable momentum.

And as you gain clarity and confidence in going through the course material, you’ll be sure to look forward to expanding your horizons and building new skills.

The good news is that while you can put as much time into Valued as you choose, there is no advantage to charging through it – in fact, going through it more slowly might even prove more effective.

So if your schedule will only allow you a short window of time for the course each week, that will be plenty for a thoughtful, intentional approach to the material.

How long do I have access to the course?

When you join Valued, you get lifetime access to all training and course materials. That includes:

  • 8 modules with over 12 hours of content, packed with research-backed, actionable content, accompanied by exercises designed to help you put course principles into practice
  • Bonus #1: Presentation by Ron McKeefery, VP of Performance and Education for PLAE
  • Bonus #2: Interview with Donnell Boucher, Assistant Athletic Director and Head Strength Coach at The Citadel Military College
  • Bonus #3: Financial Planning Q&A with Kent Bartholomew, Licensed Financial Planner
  • Bonus #4: Q&A video with Coach Andrea Hudy
  • Bonus #5: 10 Lessons from 20 Years in the Trenches by Andy McCloy

When you enroll, you’ll get to enjoy all Valued lessons and bonuses forever.

Who is this course for?

Valued has been developed for all coaches, across all sectors, with a particular emphasis on S&C.

Whether you coach professional athletes, collegiate or high school athletes, military personnel, or private sector clients, this program is designed for you.

Also, if you are a physical therapist or personal trainer, you will find that Valued is highly applicable.

While the content of the course is for S&C coaches, the ideas and skills presented transcend the narrow categories we use to define ourselves as coaches…

So regardless of which sector you work in, Valued is for you.

What if I’m not an S&C Coach but I’d like to join?

Valued has been developed with S&C coaches in mind, however there are many components of the course that are applicable to other fields.

I have received many inquiries from professionals outside the S&C field who want to tackle burnout and build their professional value through a more robust skill set.

So whether you’re a sport coach, an educator, or a member of the military, you are welcome to join the course if the description resonates with your needs.

Does Valued come with any kind of certification?

No, Valued does not provide certification.

I don’t work with athletes, and I’m not a coach. Will this course still help me?

If you’re in a field that requires you to give your best to others day in and day out, all of these same principles apply. Just as you can gain valuable insight when reading a book written by someone in an unrelated field, this course also provides strategies that transcend professions and can be applied by anyone who’s committed to helping others.

How does the course work?

Valued is a self-paced online video course. After you join, you’ll be able to learn where and when it’s convenient for you. The practical exercises can be done on your own or with a group of other coaching staff.

Is this course live?

No. Valued consists of pre-recorded video, written course material and exercises available for you to go through at your own pace, at your own convenience.

How is this course different from other resources on the market?

This is the first and only course for S&C coaches that goes beyond the “what,” “why,” and “how” of coaching athletes, and hones in on the bigger picture of succeeding in your coaching career. It brings together the science and application of building a sustainable career, drawing on my experiences as a coach and challenging you with proven, practical activities.

Do you offer group licenses or discounts for teams?

We offer team discounts for groups of 5+ people looking to join the course together. You can find all the details about the discounted rates here.

To take advantage of the group discount, please reach out to my team at team@artofcoaching.com, listing the number of team members you’d like to register and their full names and email addresses.

Are you unsure if the course is right for you?

You’ll know Valued is a perfect fit for you if…

  • You’re starting to feel burned out, or you feel stuck, uncertain, or unsupported in your S&C career
  • You’ve been a coach for years, but realize you have no safety net, no blueprint for what comes next, and fear you may eventually reach your retirement years without the savings to retire
  • You’re in a coaching job you love, but you want to feel prepared to support your family no matter what happens in the future
  • You’re a sports coach, physical therapist or personal trainer, and want to build a stronger skillset and greater adaptability
  • You’re someone from any field who works with people, and you want to become more valued and respected, and build a stronger professional network
  • You want to bring greater stability to your family, greater impact to your athletes, and sustainability to your life in S&C.


6 Monthly Payments Of $97 $67


One Time Payment $497 $347

31_Valued_Payment Methods@2x

So… You know how to periodize your athletes’ programs. But what about your coaching career?

I hope you’ll join me inside Valued and allow me to become your “virtual mentor” for career viability.

After all, it’s a passion for training that gets us into the field, and a love of coaching that keeps us there…

But better understanding business allows us to do it on our own terms.

It’s time to create your edge, increase your value, and secure your future in S&C.

With Gratitude,

Brett Bartholomew

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